With the upcoming Frequent Traveler University in Chicago, IL July 18, 19 and 20, I offered on Milepoint to help anyone who needs to exchange a ticket/hotel room by posting a listing of available tickets/rooms and contact information for folks to get in touch with regarding the exchange of tickets/rooms.
Please keep in mind, this post is merely to help facilitate the transfer of tickets/rooms between the “seller” and the “buyer.” In no way am I or this blog part of the transaction, or available to assist in actually transferring any tickets or room reservations.
If you’d like to attend the upcoming FTU and need a ticket or room, contact the folks below. In addition, if you have a ticket or room you’d like to offer to someone else, please email me and I’ll post it below.
I’ll keep this list updated as much as I can, but please let me know if your ticket/room has been taken that way I can remove it from the list.
One room at the host hotel, one ticket – email sm@towardsme.com- One ticket – email a_vi@hotmail.com
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