For the avid frequent flyer, I think you’ll enjoy this one. The video itself claims it is the first ever film shot and edited at 30,000 feet – whether or not that’s true, I’m not sure, but I’m always in for a good video about frequently flying – think Up in the Air.
The first ever film shot and edited at 35,000 feet in the air. “Departure Date” a story about taking control of your own destiny and following your heart, regardless of where it takes you to. When Jake lets the girl of his dreams slip from his grasp, he experiences a heightened, magical awakening at 35,000 FT with the help of the eccentric and soulful passengers that he comes into contact with. They ultimately help him take control of his destiny, win his soul mate and alter his life for the better.
After watching, what do you think?
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The first ever film shot and edited at 30,000 feet – The Forward Cabin