In this post, I’ll be reviewing American Airlines’ Pepper Jack Cheese and Broccoli Strata, served in their domestic First Class.
Let’s take a look at the details of the flight:
Route: Las Vegas, NV to Chicago, IL
Aircraft: Boeing 737
Meal Window: Breakfast
Meal: Pepper Jack Cheese and Broccoli Strata, served with Tuscan roasted potatoes and chicken apple sausage
After take-off, the lead flight attendant came through the First Class cabin with a choice of breakfast options. On offer was a egg strata, or a cheese blintz. I chose the strata.
A a hot towel was offered, as well as a choice of drink. I chose cranberry juice (which, on American is Cran-Apple), as well as hot tea. Shortly after beverage service, meal trays were distributed.
On the meal tray included:
- Pepper Jack Cheese and Broccoli Strata, served with Served with Tuscan roasted potatoes and chicken apple sausage
- Cranberry-Apple Juice (beverage request)
- Hot Tea (beverage request)
- Bowl of fresh fruit
- A biscuit, which was chosen out of the bread basket
Here are my impressions of the meal:
- The egg strata was quite fluffy, which was nice. It was a bit bland, and some salsa would have gone well with it. Interestingly, I was offered salsa on a JFK-SFO transcontinental route once, but not this one.
- The sausage rounds were tasty, and hardly greasy.
- The potatoes were fine as well, though some ketchup would have been nice to go along.
- The fruit does taste fresh, which is fantastic.
- The biscuit, while not as good as the original bake on board ones, is fine, and goes well with the jam.
This is overall a good breakfast option, and one that I’ve been served many times before. It’s sort of an “old reliable” meal, and the sausage rounds and potatoes are offered with several other entree options as well.
For those who have the option of ordering this dish on your next domestic First Class American Airlines flight, I hope you find this review informative!
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