January 1 is one of the worst day for frequent flyers and hotel stayers as the elite status tracker resets to zero, and you need to begin accumulating miles and stays for the 2016 elite status year. It was a sad day for sure, but I wanted to take a look at how I’m doing with elite status progress now that we’re one month in.
For more information on my elite status strategy for earning in 2015, read my previous post here.
First, let’s start out with my preferred status on American Airlines as an Executive Platinum.
I’ve accumulated 12,675 points, 16,170 miles, on 18 segments of travel. To achieve 100,000 elite qualifying miles by year end, I must accumulate 8,333 miles each month, so as you can see, I’m almost double that threshold which is nice.
Now, let’s take a look at Hyatt which is my preferred hotel chain as a Hyatt Diamond member.
I’ve earned 7 stays toward the required 25, and 11 nights toward the required 50. Overall, not a bad start in my opinion.
That’s where I stand at the moment, and with several upcoming trips planned, the numbers will only go up. Right now, I’m on track to complete both of these goals – Executive Platinum on AA and Diamond with Hyatt.
Where do you stand with your elite plans? Where did you finish off the month of January?
With AA: 24,329 MQP YTD. Still a ways to go.
2015 Status Goals:
Re-qualify for HH Diamond, Hyatt Diamond, and US/AA Platinum.*
Qualify for SPG Platinum (currently Gold).
Carlson Gold and National Executive maintained through various credit card possessions.
Progress as of 1 February 2015.
Hilton: 2 stays completed
Hyatt: 1 stay completed
SPG: 6 stays completed
US Air: 9343 preferred qualifying miles/11 segments banked
I’m doing alright, I think, for being one month in.
*Since US/AA punched US Plats in the gut a bit, this task has become 25,000 miles easier.