One of the busiest terminals in the world is none other than Grand Central Terminal in New York City. The terminal gets shoulder-to-shoulder traffic daily, with more than 700,000 people going through the station on any given work day. It has gone through a lot of renovations, it is nicely done, and gets a lot of attention in comparison to Penn Station, which until this summer was the home for Amtrak. Due to recent issues with derailments, and lackluster media coverage, the president of Amtrak has announced upgrades to Penn Station.

New York Penn Station
Moving While Repairs Are Made
Penn Station hasn’t been updated in quite some time. Amtrak’s President and CEO, however, has come forward to tell of all new upgrades specifically for Amtrak. While this is being done, the Amtrak station of choice will move to Grand Central, and will be there for a total of 3 weeks, barring no major delays. It will be through July and August, and the trains will be within their normal schedules, just not at Penn Station any longer.
Amtrak Can’t Afford To Shut Down
Amtrak has gone on record to reassure passengers that they are not going to make it difficult to get trains and connections. Amtrak can’t shut down Penn Station and cancel routes because the summer’s tourism push is quite large. Economists looking closely at the situation have actually found that during the weeks that Amtrak will move, they’ll jump near 30,000 more passengers as a result of relocation, even if it is temporary.
It should be noted that Amtrak gets over 10 million riders going through Penn Station annually. This number is set to grow as the move goes forward this summer. While this move is announced, there is no schedule posted from Amtrak official, just yet, but Amtrak’s media resources have announced that it is coming soon.
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