If you are planning to travel a long distance, say from London to Australia, then think of ways to utilize the free hours you have for something meaningful and beneficial. On such long-distance trips, you may spend more than 20 hours on the plane, which is almost a whole day. So think of what you can do so you won’t waste such opportunity and freedom. You may not have such when you get down from that plane, especially if you are a busy person. According to an essay writer, here are useful things you can do in the plane while traveling.
1. Read a book
Before you depart on your travel adventure, don’t forget to load your Kindle or pack books that you are yet to read. There are in-flight magazines for you to read, but is more satisfaction in reading your book.
However, Amazon offers tons of free books you can download to your Kindle and read. So even if you didn’t travel with a book, know that you can get one online for free.
2. Plan ahead
Planning is a vital ingredient for success. A good plan will not only reveal things about your targeted goals but help you to develop strategies to achieve them. You can create your strategy and decide on the next action to take when you get down from the plane. And even if they are not work-related, having a plan with clear goals will cause you to worry less.
Make plans for your next vacation, how you intend to spend your holidays and place you want to visit, budget, activities on arrival and more. If your plan is work-related, strategize on how to achieve your targeted goals, handle a troublesome employee, or overcome a difficult task. Then jot everything down on your mobile device if you have apps that permit it. Don’t store them in your head.
3. Take time to practice
If you are traveling for a presentation, whether it’s your company, school or a volunteer group, you can start the drilling while you are on the plane. Use the free hours you have to revisit your notes or presentation materials to refresh your memory. And if you have some saved pages you couldn’t read because of your tight schedules, try to study them while on the plane to prepare yourself better.
4. Read and reply emails offline
You may have missed some critical emails or forgot to answer them because of your tight schedules. So now that you have some free hours to spare, try to revisit your inbox and go through all your messages.
It is also possible to reply emails offline. If you are using a Gmail account, download the Gmail Offline to your device, particularly for Chrome Browser to start doing so. But have in mind that your replies won’t get to the recipients instantly until you connect to a Wi-Fi.
5. Put your writing skills to work
Even if you aren’t a journalist, you can still create something when you decide to put pen to paper. You can jot down your thoughts and perhaps, produce a short film or book while on the plane. Also, if you are a writer, know that writing is one of the useful things you can do on the plane. And according to an assignment geek, students can also do their assignments while travelling on the plane.
These are things you can do on the plane, so take note of them for your next trip overseas. They will help you tackle boredom and help lessen your activities. You will always have free hours to play around with if you are boarding a plane. So think of things you can do with your time that will benefit you.