Business Travel: The Perks of Earning While Traveling as a Digital Nomad
Traveling for work can come in many forms. Some positions require traveling as part of the job duties while other positions only require travel some of the time… either way you look at it, traveling for those types of jobs are not an option… when the job needs you to travel somewhere, you really don’t have any other option than to hop in your car or fly the friendly skies to do your job. That type of traveling would be considered as business trips. Now, as a digital nomad… traveling for work is a little bit different.
What is a Digital Nomad?
If you’re not sure exactly what a digital nomad is, let’s do a quick refresher. In short, a digital nomad is someone who uses the internet as a source of income while having the freedom to travel and work anywhere in the world. This is probably the most basic definition of a digital nomad but it’s also descriptive enough to make most people quit their 9 to 5, pack their bags, and live the digital nomad lifestyle!
If you really think about it, who wouldn’t want to adopt the digital nomad lifestyle? Just imagine… you get to work where you want, when you want, and as often as you want… who wouldn’t love that! And you’ll be making good money doing it!
What Can You Do As a Digital Nomad?
If this lifestyle has sparked your interest in the slightest bit, then your next question is probably “how can you earn money while traveling?” The answer to that question can be so varied because your options are endless. Plus, you don’t have to limit yourself to one type of job either. Depending on how many skills you have, you could literally be a jack of all trades and be the master of them too. Take a look at some of the different types of jobs you can take on as a digital nomad.
E-Commerce Store Owner
As an e-commerce store owner, you have your own online business selling products to customers from any part of the world you choose to be in. To become an e-commerce store owner, you will first need to come up with your business name and find a relevant domain name to match what your business is about. Once you have that, you can start to build your site and start making money! There’s obviously more to it than that but in short, you would buy and register your domain name, build your site, and sell your products.
Virtual Assistant
As a virtual assistant, your focus will be to assist business owners with the daily tasks of running their day-to-day operations. From responding to emails and data entry to bookkeeping and digital marketing, you would be helping the business owner in a way that they could put all of their focus and attention into the logistics of running their business.
Freelance Writer
If you have a knack for writing, then freelance writing will be right up your alley, and you get to make money from it! With freelance writing, you get to set your own price range, whether it be price per word or by page… it’s up to you how you set your prices. But with freelance writing, you are working for various clients on a wide array of different topics and platforms so you’re not limited to a particular genre or client type… you’re the boss here.
Remote Worker
A remote worker is totally different than a freelance worker. As mentioned above, with freelance work, you can work for multiple different clients and in different industries, whether it’s writing, accounting, etc. As a remote worker, you’re working for one specific company. In fact, more and more companies are starting to hire remote workers because of the productivity benefits, according to A lot of remote workers were already working with a company and were offered a remote position. If you are ever given that opportunity with your job, take it!
The Perks of Earning While Traveling
Freedom to Work From Anywhere in the World With Wifi
So, as you know, as a digital nomad, you get to work anywhere in the world as long as you have access to the internet. When most people think of digital nomads, they tend to think that digital nomads are always in foreign countries living out of their backpacks… that’s not how all digital nomads operate.
If you don’t want to work in Germany or India, you don’t have to. You can hop on a plane to go work in California if you want to… you can drive to North Dakota and stay a few weeks at your grandmother’s house and work from there all while spending time with her. After visiting with her, you can go see your friends in Florida! That’s why life as a digital nomad is so awesome… you can literally carry your work with you wherever you go!
Earn Serious Travel Points
As a digital nomad, you’re going to be doing a lot of traveling and yes you’ll be earning money from the work that you’re doing for various clients but with all of your traveling, you’ll also be earning travel points from various accommodations and flights. There are even apps for mobile check-ins where you can earn Starpoints! Can you imagine all your travels earning you so many points that you get to fly for free or at an extremely reduced price, not to mention free hotel stays!
Now, you can stay with family during your travels but every now and then you’re going to want to have the luxury hotel experience and the nicer the hotel, the more points you earn!
Choose Your Own Hours
As a digital nomad, long gone are the days of clocking in and out or working in the morning and getting off in the evenings… as a digital nomad, you have the luxury of working your own hours. If you want to sleep in until noon and then start working, well by all means, do that! As long as you get the work done that you’ve given yourself for the day, who cares when you do it!
You Can Work in Your Pajamas
This might be the biggest perk of them all… being able to work in your pajamas! When you used to have to go to your physical office location, you would have to put on a shirt and tie, maybe you had to wear a suit or needed to wear a little makeup… as a digital nomad, you can wake up, brush your teeth, and get to work. There is no longer a need to look professional or look good for anyone but yourself. And even if you decide to go somewhere to do your work, you still have the luxury of wearing whatever you want!