Get award booking help and personalized travel assistance for as little as $1 a month! Beginning February 21, 2015, American Airlines will end thrice weekly service from Dallas to Rio de Janeiro. The last Dallas departure will be on February 21, while the last Rio departure will be on February 22. Here is the remaining … [Continue reading]
American Airlines Adds New Routes
Get award booking help and personalized travel assistance for as little as $1 a month! American Airlines has added several new routes, which are worth noting. American has added several new routes recently, and these will further compliment their merged route network with US Airways. Los Angeles – London Heathrow (2nd daily service beginning March 28, 2015) … [Continue reading]
The perk you didn’t know was going away with the new AAdvantage program.
Get award booking help and personalized travel assistance for as little as $1 a month! We all know US Airways elites are griping about the new AAdvantage program. Specifically, I think they’re most upset that lower elites will now have to pay for upgrades on flights longer than 500 miles. There’s another benefit that’s going … [Continue reading]
No More Wiggle Room on AA 500 Mile Upgrade Stickers
Get award booking help and personalized travel assistance for as little as $1 a month! With the changes to the AAdvantage program the other day, there are some winners and some losers. Overall, current US Airways members took the brunt of the changes, with the biggest in that they will now have to use 500 … [Continue reading]
New American Airlines Boarding Film
Get award booking help and personalized travel assistance for as little as $1 a month! American Airlines iconic landscapes boarding film has been in existence for several years now, though it was originally paired with a variety of pop piano hits. Now, American has revised their boarding film, and paired it with the song “Hold … [Continue reading]