Get award booking help and personalized travel assistance for as little as $1 a month! Terms and Conditions: Ice Bucket Challenge Sale Tickets must be purchased by 11:59 p.m. Eastern time, August 26, 2014. Fares are one way for domestic travel to select destinations on select dates. Travel valid September 2014, October 2014, and … [Continue reading]
Free Hotel Rooms with
Get award booking help and personalized travel assistance for as little as $1 a month! is offering great coupon codes right now! 3STARUS for $30 off a 3 star hotel, 4STARUS for $40 off a 4 star hotel, 5STARUS for $50 off a 5 star. There’s no minimum spend and 1 night bookings are … [Continue reading]
Amtrak 3 Day Sale!
Get award booking help and personalized travel assistance for as little as $1 a month! Amtrak has published their latest 3-day sale between select city pairs in the Northeast corridor. Travel between Washington DC and New York City for as low as $42, … [Continue reading]
Free $30 ride on Uber!
Get award booking help and personalized travel assistance for as little as $1 a month! I’m a huge fan of Uber, and it’s a service I highly promote because I love it so much. For those not familiar, Uber is a private car service in and around major US cities. Think of it like a … [Continue reading]
Free Beer for Booking with Rocketmiles!
Get award booking help and personalized travel assistance for as little as $1 a month! Rocketmiles just announced a new promotion, starting today, which I think is quite clever. If you book a stay in Portland, Denver, Minneapolis, Brooklyn, Seattle, St. Louis, or Milwaukee, Rocketmiles will send a six pack or two to your home address. I … [Continue reading]