Get award booking help and personalized travel assistance for as little as $1 a month! I was on a Delta regional jet recently and during the flight safety demo, the FA mentioned that the window shade in the exit rows and Seat 1A (where I was seated) had to remain up for takeoff and landing. … [Continue reading]
Have you seen Qantas’ new dinner boxes?
Get award booking help and personalized travel assistance for as little as $1 a month! They’re available starting today on their short to medium haul routes. At first look, they seem quite appetizing!
My Experience on the Road Warriors Panel with USA Today Travel Media Group
Get award booking help and personalized travel assistance for as little as $1 a month! Yesterday, I had the pleasure of having breakfast at the USA Today headquarters in McLean, VA. Joining me were: Ben Mutzabaugh, Editor, Today in the Sky; John Peters, President, USA Today Travel Media Group; Victoria Borton, Senior Vice President, USA … [Continue reading]
50,000 Hyatt Gold Passport Points after 20 nights!
Get award booking help and personalized travel assistance for as little as $1 a month! In this targeted Hyatt promotion, it’s possible to earn 50,000 Hyatt Gold Passport points after 20 nights stayed between now and November 30. You have to be targeted for the promotion, but it’s always worth it to contact Hyatt Gold … [Continue reading]
Next Reach for the Miles Meetup Announced
Get award booking help and personalized travel assistance for as little as $1 a month! The next Reach for the Miles meet up has been announced! For more information and the location, click here. The expensive summer travel season is coming to a close and there’s only a few months left to requalify for your 2015 elite … [Continue reading]