This article aims to find solution causes, effects, and solutions for teenagers with anxiety. The word anxiety mainly revolves around feeling uncomfortable and uneasy. Anxiety is the way one’s body responds to a specific type of stress. Every person at a certain level in their life has some kind of stress. Some people tend to take stress at a higher level, which can lead to major anxiety disorders such as panic attacks, anxiety attacks, or even phobias.
Our society lacks an exact research list when it comes to mental health. We have a stigma attached to the words depression and anxiety. People fail to understand that it is a genuine problem and people die because of it as they cannot open up to their own families about it.
Causes And Effects Of Anxiety:
Lack of communication among the people and no one to hear them out or vent to the people develop anxiety. In our society, our elderly’s word is always considered right, and rarely children can raise their opinion towards it.
Children are forced to brush their own emotions under a rock and are forced to go with the flow. This, in turn, causes symptoms of anxiety and later to be a victim of it. Children are unable to go to their desired degree options. This is due to the fact that sometimes according to their parents going in an ‘art’ or a degree in ‘media’ degree is considered rather non-serious on the child’s part.
Not following their passion and dreams makes them go through depression and anxiety. Sometimes even to the extent that people would choose ways to self-harm themselves and, in some severe cases, commits suicide. Anxiety is something that is not at all taken seriously in our society and that is something that ends up ruining lives.
Things Teenager Faces While Struggling With Anxiety
How Society Treats Them?
“Do you get anxiety attacks?” “Are you seeing a doctor?” “What really triggered anxiety inside you?” The questions one usually faces while struggling with their inner stress.
A teenager or even a grown up going through anxiety becomes more sensitive than an average person. Our dismissive behavior can send them into a dark hole. It affects their performance in every task they do.
How Should Society Treat Them?
Being mentally healthy and stable is one of the blessings we can’t thank enough. Not having any mental health issue does not make us any superior to the one suffering from it.
It should be our responsibility to help our loved ones to overcome these obstacles. Targeting them and making them feel out of place is the most common yet insensitive behavior one can do.
Being there for them during their anxiety attacks, supporting them while they try to achieve their goals. And also giving them the assurance of being there when they need to vent out is the least we can do.
What Part Do Parents Play In Making The Situation Worse And Better?
Parents play a vital role in their children’s life. They can make or break the situation. A teenager going through anxiety needs their friends and family support the most. Elders brushing off teenagers’ problems under a mat by calling it a “phase” are the root of destruction.
Listening, analyzing, showing concern, and considering their children’s problems can remove the barrier children usually build around them. If parents get their children the proper help they need, it might save them from future casualties.
Parents need to make sure to care for their children suffering from anxiety. Parents need to make sure to be there for their children during this hard time. Their children need all their support.
Medical Treatments That Should Be Provided
One of the primary reasons why people don’t seek professional help for their mental health is because of stigmatizing reactions and unfair behaviors with people having anxiety. It is roughly calculated that almost 34% of teenagers in our society suffer from anxiety attacks and face the consequences alone.
At this rate, they should seek medical help where they are mostly given anti-anxiety pills, which is perhaps one major solution to control anxiety attacks.
Kratom is the most effective and popular drug to deal with any attacks due to mental health. Kratom strains chart helps us know the four colors: red, white, green, and yellow. Each color produces a unique set of effects. Green vein kratom is the most effective one for anxiety as it helps relieve pain, boost mood, and increase focus. The best green vein kratom from our research is Green Sumatra Kratom, with just the right and pure amount of chemicals in it.
Wrapping It Up
Families should take mental health issues more seriously and should listen to their children. This could, in turn, help reduce the ever-increasing alarming rate of anxiety in our society.
Like any other organ, the brain needs its preservation and longevity to work most efficiently. Likewise, there needs to be more healthcare facilities for people suffering from mental health problems. Rather than forcing them to bury their issues between their home walls. Communication is key!