Peyronie’s Disease is named after its discoverer François Gigot de la Peyronie, who was a french surgeon. It is a condition in which men face a considerable bend or curve in their penis during an erection—having a curved penis does not necessarily always mean that the person has Peyronie’s Disease. When the penis starts hurting, and sex becomes difficult, then it is most probably Peyronie’s Disease.
Let us first discuss the causes of Peyronie’s Disease:
Scientists have failed to determine any substantial causes of Peyronie’s Disease. Some theories state that it is caused due to any kind of injury during erection. These injuries can include any kind of sudden bent during sex. So far, we only know that Peyronie’s Disease can show up in any male without any obvious causes.
Another odd thing to share about Peyronie’s Disease is that it may run in families.
Affected Age Group:
According to the research, men over 40 are mostly affected. It’s not like if you are under 40, you can’t be affected; history shows that it can happen to men of any age group. Still, men over 40 should be more conscious because it can completely damage their sex life.
Symptoms Of Peyronie’s Disease:
Symptoms of Peyronie’s Disease may vary from person to person. In some cases, Peyronie’s Disease symptoms are very minute that the affected person doesn’t even feel any pain or dysfunctionality. In severe scenarios, the affected male will feel difficulty while having sex, and it might involve pain. On some extreme occasions, this condition makes it impossible for the patient to have sex.
Some patients have also reported erectile dysfunction as a result of this disease.
Some Common Symptoms
Here are some most common symptoms of Peyronie’s Disease:1. Bent or curved penis: Having a bent or curved penis is one of Peyronie’s Disease’s most common symptoms. The amount of bent or the curve can vary from person to person. 2. Having lumps in the penis: A hard band of tissues or flat lumps can be felt under the skin of the penis in the blood vessels. 3. Shortening of the penis: In worst-case scenarios, the patient can face shortening of the penis. It could affect sex life and can be very embarrassing.4. Deformed Penis: Deformation of the penis that involves loss of girth and length of the penis is also a symptom of Peyronie’s Disease. The penis looks like an hourglass in such cases, which can result in awkward moments during sex.
Some Rare Symptoms
Here are some symptoms that are not very common:1. More than one plaques: In the shaft of the penis, usually there is not more than one hard lump. However, in some cases, more than one thickened area is reported. 2. Pain in the non-erect penis: Pain in the erect penis is common in this condition; however, pain in the non-erect penis is not reported much.
If Peyronie’s Disease is not treated on time, it can become chronic. Male Edge is an enterprise devoted to bringing the best solutions for the problems that men face. Penile Traction Device is an incredible product offered by Male Edge that naturally improves the symptoms of Peyronie’s Disease.