Nowadays, cryptocurrencies are part of mainstream finances for many people. Bitcoin has undoubtedly attracted many newcomers to the crypto-sphere. They soon discover there are many other alternatives to Bitcoin. Dozens of different cryptocurrencies may be profitable investments.
Hence, investors of all levels of experience often need to swap for cryptocurrencies. It is analogous to the swaps we usually do with fiat money. For instance, when you buy an item, you are swapping cash for the object you want. So, in general, a swap is the exchange of one item (or service) for another one of the same value.
Thus, swapping for cryptocurrencies is exchanging a cryptocurrency that you hold for another cryptocurrency of equivalent value. To exchange Litecoin to Bitcoin or the other way around are examples of cryptocurrency swaps. This type of operation is done at an exchange. But, what’s the best exchange to swap for cryptocurrencies? Read on and find the answer.
The Exchange Platform LetsExchange
LetsExchange is the most convenient exchange to swap for cryptocurrencies. Whether you are a newcomer or an advanced crypto investor, LetsExchange eases the swap process for more than 40,000 currency pairs. LetsExchange is a one-stop multicurrency exchange. Thus, you can do all your operations with cryptocurrency on a single platform.
For starters, you don’t need to register to use the LetsExchange services. Go directly to and swap for cryptocurrencies at once without any upper or lower limits. On our platform, you’ll save time and avoid complications. LetsExchange has a very intuitive interface that simplifies swapping for cryptocurrencies.
To complete a swap, all you have to do is the following:
● Select the relevant currency pair. As mentioned, LetsExchange offers more than 40,000 currency pairs with more than 200 cryptocurrencies. Hence, you will have no problem finding the swap pair for you;
● Enter the amount of the cryptocurrency you want to swap in the field that reads “You send.” In the “You get” field you’ll see the equivalent value in the destination cryptocurrency. It is the amount that would go to your wallet. No hidden fees or other surcharges;
● If you are fine with the swap, just click the “Exchange” button. You’ll get your digital assets within a short time. It’s important to mention that LetsExchange processes all swap requests immediately. Any delay is the result of the processing time of the networks of the selected coins.
As seen, swapping for cryptocurrencies is quite simple with LetsExchange. But simplicity is not all that our platform offers. Our advanced technology guarantees that you always get the most profitable rate across various major exchanges. So, you can be sure that you will get the most out of each swap.
Equally important is security. LetsExchange provides a non-custodial service. It means that our platform doesn’t store your funds, private keys, or any other personal data. What’s more, our platform has an SSL certificate, and all the communications with our users take place over encrypted links. DDoS protection prevents any malicious attack by hackers.
Swap for cryptocurrencies at LetsExchange. It’s the easiest, fastest, and safest way to exchange digital coins. If you have any questions about the service, our support team is at your disposal 24/7.