A charter flight is for a specific journey outside an airline’s routine. It could be for personal use, business, aerial work, tourism, or medical duty. Flight managers help determine your requirements and link you with appropriate private jet charter flights. Company presidents, executives, and CEOs prefer private charter planes to arrive early and avoid missing meetings. These flights are available within 24 hours of request and work around your schedule.
Additionally, they have no connections in between; hence, you fly directly to your destination. You can access various charter service providers today by simply Googling for one tailored to your needs. Below are some top reasons to travel in private charter jets
● Convenience
You don’t have to be early to the airport and engage in long lines to board your plane. You choose your departure and landing time. On alighting, you don’t wait around for your luggage to arrive because it’s right beside you. Some private charters have private transportation pull up next to the plane and move your belongings to your car. It also allows you to pack up as much luggage as possible, spread your laptop and work-related items around you, knowing they are safe. Since you are not connecting flights, there is no boredom waiting at the airport.
● Comfort
When you have to do some work on the plane or hold a business meeting, you have a cabin all to yourself. You can also take a rest without disturbance before landing. Moreover, noisy passengers and crying babies don’t irritate you. Some applications allow you to compare options, make cost calculations, and instant bookings. Technology enables service providers to post deals on charter flights on their various channels.
● Flexibility
Witha private jet charter, you get to your destination faster because you choose to land on various private airports unlike the commercial flights where they follow a strict route and land only on approved airports. Those hard-to-reach destinations become accessible since private planes can access small airports that are mostly close to the city than commercial aircraft.
● Privacy
Your requirements may vary, depending on your travel’s purpose. You could be traveling alone and need solitude to catch some sleep. In this case, limited legroom can be uncomfortable,or going with colleagues and need to have a private meeting. You can hire a private jet for your business associates that will provide all the privacy you need or have family discussions without fearing strangers. Your team can brainstorm on marketing strategies knowing there is no competitor near you.
● Schedule
You fly in and out when you feel like, unlike the scheduled time for traditional flights. You are also free from the risk of delayed or canceled flights. A private charter plane only delays in case of a mechanical problem or a severe weather problem. Busy bosses can make several stops in just one day and close various business deals and return to their homes just in time. Some companies provide conference rooms at the airport.
● Time-saving
Airport procedures are time-consuming and stressful. You have to arrive hours earlier than the scheduled time and undergosecurity checks. Private jet charters eliminate long queues, crowding at the airport, and long waiting times. When you alight, you don’t wait at the conveyer belt for your luggage; it’s brought directly to you.
● Travel with Your Pet
Most commercial flights don’t allow pets onboard. The few that do, have them stacked away with luggage. But with private charter flights, you have your pet right beside you, enjoying the same level of comfort as you.
● Luxury
Mostly, high-end clientele boards charter planes. Here, you get served whatever meal or drink you want. Charter companies also stock champagnes, video projectors, etcetera. There is no specific menu as with commercial flights.
● Access to Airports
Commercial airlines have access to a limited number of airports; this prevents you from flying to many places. But, in a private aircraft, you can access large and small, private and public airports.
The number of people boarding, travel expenses, luggage requirements, and the route determines the type of plane you charter. Ultra long-range jets suit long flights and larger groups. They have flat beds, larger bathrooms and unique cabin configurations. Medium-sized jets accommodate fewer people operating between 4 to 5 hours and have limited luggage space. There is a range of sizes and luxury interiors to choose from when flying private. Whether your style is modern or classic, you are taken care of. If you own a young startup and your team needs to close a deal in the shortest time possible, private charter flights are the way to go.