The Fidelity Investments 529 College Rewards Mastercard remains available by FIA Card Services, and is a little known 2% cash back card.
What is so great about it?
Similar to the 2% Fidelity Amex and the 1.5%/2% Fidelity Visa, the Fidelity Mastercard offers 2% cashback into your eligible Fidelity account up to $1,500 per year based on a rolling 12-month period from your anniversary date of your first card usage. To find out more about the program, click here.
Where do I get one?
You must either call FIA Card Services at 1-800-655-1491 and make a request, since there is no application online or in-store.
What is the Rewards Program?
The rewards program is slightly different than the Fidelity Visa and Amex versions. You earn a full 2% on purchases up to $75,000 a year in the form of points which accrue at 2 points per $100 spent.
My Thoughts:
This may be a good card for those of you that appreciate cash-back. For me, I still prefer the Barclaycard Arrival+ with it’s 2.2% cash back towards travel, however this Fidelity Investments card may prove as a useful alternative to those who have investments in Fidelity.
I called and asked the CSR about the product. She was adamant about it not being an option. I’ll try the old HUCA later and see how it goes. Has anyone had success applying for this recently (within the last 2 years)? The mighty google says this product (the Mastercard version) was pulled in 2006.
According to a variety of sources and blogs, it’s still live but requires a manual phone call. Perhaps find a different rep?
Curious why you didn’t give credit to me for the find considering I’m the one who posted it to both Saverocity and TC?286