It’s a question that’s been debated a lot in the airline industry. Airlines have changed tactics numerous times — some using zones, others using numbers…at one point, some trying boarding from back-to-front…and others just not even caring, and letting folks board anyway they want.
Whatever the method, it’s a process that frustrates travelers. Not only can it easily delay a flight, but it can create chaos as overhead bins fill up, people have to hop over folks already seated, and the infamous late person on the aircraft has to gate check their bag, because all of the coat closets have even filled up (yes, you know who you are).
Fortunately, the MythBusters have put this process to the test in an interesting video. While I’m fortunate to board in First Class much of the time, I know the realities of sitting back in coach, and how getting on and off the airplane is a much anticipated task.
What do you think? What’s your favorite boarding procedure process?
WILMA for sure.