American Airlines recently came out with new meal standards, and with that, also changed the bake-on-board cookie they offer in First Class.
It’s different, and to say the least, I’m more a fan of the old cookie selection. Previously, American would serve a selection of Chocolate Chip cookies, White Chocolate Cranberry Cookies, and milk.
I generally found this cookie to be crunchy on the outer edges, and warm and gooey in the middle. Combined with milk, this was the perfect way to end a lunch or dinner service flight.
Now, I think the cookies has changed. As you can tell in the top image, the cookie is more dense. The center is more “cake” than gooey, and it looks to be more pre-packaged than before. I was only offered one flavor to choose from – chocolate chip – and no milk. The “original” cookie was more moist, had an outer “crust” and was less sweet than the new cookie.
So, overall, I’m not a fan of the new cookie, and hope with the new revised meal changes that maybe they’ll go back to the older version, and also bring back the serving of milk in addition to a variety of cookie selections.
I may be dreaming in this request, but I sure do miss the old cookie…
I had an FA last week tell me that the baked on board cookie was coming back as part of the newest catering changes — I hope that’s true but I also hope they return to the baked on board biscuit ’cause that’s the best thing served!
The “old” cookies were actually baked on board. They start as dough and while doing the meal service, they would actually bake the cookies. The “new” cookies come pre-baked in a tin. All the FA’s do is slightly re-heat them. They are no bueno in my opinion. Bring back the cookie dough and actually bake them onboard!