My friend Tim recently put together a project called Exploring the Obscure, which basically takes a look at hidden and unknown buildings, towns, people and oddities across the country. To travel, there’s a lot beyond the traditional Park Hyatt, the Emirates Suite, or even the small road-trips we may make. There’s a culture that hasn’t been explored. There are buildings that haven’t been inhabited in years. There are stories yet to be told, and Tim’s mission is to seek out those tales.
I had a chance to talk with Tim (who goes under the Pseudonym “Timmy Martini”) to ask him about this project:
People are used to the everyday normal life. Well, I wanted to change that. So I began to look for the worlds most unique, interesting and obscure places it has to offer.
The idea originated while I was touring with bands across the country and Europe and finding entire towns just abandoned and left behind. It got me thinking about my own neighbourhood and wondering how people could just leave it all behind. Why did they do this? What was the reasons? Did they ever go back? Did they ever care?
Touring around I had seen a number of towns like these. I decided to start researching into why they just became abandoned. I almost had became facinated with them. When I decided to take a break from the constance of the touring world, I decided I wanted to work on this new project. So I began to Explore The Obscure.
The show is called Exploring the Obscure. and the name pretty much explains it all. we are travelling all over North America, Puerto Rico and soon to be overseas and finding some of the coolest, most unusual, and obscure places this world has to offer. And we are finding out and explaining the back stories behind them. Some of the places are abandoned with a history (abandoned towns and villages, and abandoned unique locations), some of them are mother nature created ( a pink lake in Australia or a body of water that you glow in in Puerto Rico). Some locations are just weird and unique because of the invidual who built them (a house in the shape of a shoe, or a man who said god took over his hands and created his house as the prophicy of the second coming of Christ). Some spots are commercialized (An indoor airport/tarmac or a 4 story tall mesh head that someone can walk through). Just fun unique places with a unique story.
You can follow the show on Facebook.
Tracking down the facts, lives and history on some of the most obscure, but interesting and fascinating places this world has to offer.
Do you ever see an abandon building and think, “I wonder what that was once like?, who lived there? what was it used for?”. Or pass an entire town that was once thriving and now is in ruins and no longer has any human life? Perhaps you see a strange sighting on the side of the road and wonder the story behind it. Or, you try to figure how mother nature has made some of the most interesting choices when building this world we live on. Well, I’m here to try and help solve some of life’s mysteries, when we go Exploring the Obscure.
Abandoned FAA Radar Station in Puerto Rico
Prophet Isaiah’s Second Coming House in Niagara Falls, NY
Exploring The Obscure SELFIE Edition 🙂 – Visiting Vulcan County, Alberta (Star Trek Town)
In closing, the world is full of weird, interesting, unusual and obscure places. I want to visit as many as I can and find out all the information I can of each and share it with everyone. I live by my saying, You have one life; Create your own story. And this is mine.
You can follow all of the adventures and places we go. You can find and follow us on Facebook and Youtube under Exploring The Obscure .
All of our fun and interesting up-to-date adventures on Twitter and Instagram @TimmyMartini
The series will be constantly updated on YouTube, so you have a chance to check out where Tim goes and what he does. Happy watching!
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