I pay for a monthly GoGo inflight WiFi subscription, which costs about $50/month. I find it reasonable considering you are able to stay productive when traveling, so for me, the cost is justified.
One man, however, didn’t find his cost justified…and ended up with a $1200 bill!
Jeremy Gutsche was flying from London to Singapore on Singapore Airlines, and decided to pay $28.99 for 30MB of data. After sending a few emails, uploading some documents, and keeping his computer on for the remainder of the flight, he ended up with a $1171.46 bill!
According to Gutsche:
At one point, I spent about an hour uploading one 4mb power point doc. That doc probably cost me $100 to upload, so I hope my team liked it. I actually even emailed them a warning that my upload was taking a while. That email probably cost me $10. And yes, the pricing per mb was disclosed on sign-up, but I bought the $30 package, slept through most the flight, and really didn’t think I’d end up a thousand bucks past the limit.
Word to the wise – watch how much data your using, or pay for an unlimited subscription!
Read the full article here.
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