There’s a lot of hype going on for tomorrow’s Club Carlson 100% buy points promotion. Essentially, you can buy 10,000 Club Carlson points for $70 and receive a 10,000 point bonus. So, in the end, it’s 20,000 points for $70.
So, is this really cheap?
Not exactly, and there’s a way to get these points for even cheaper.
The Club Carlson credit card offers 5x the points for every dollar spent. So, I’d need to spend $4,000 in order to earn 20,000 points.
- If I buy (4) $1,000 Visa gift cards for $3,95 each, my total is $15.80 for 20,000 points. These can normally be purchased at a mall.
- If I buy (8) $500 Visa or MasterCard gift cards for $5.95 each, my total is $47.60. These can normally be purchased at a grocery store.
In both circumstances, I’m earning the same 20,000 points for CHEAPER than the $70/20,000 promotion that is occurring tomorrow on Cyber Monday.
Of course, you’ll need a Club Carlson credit card to do this, but most savvy miles and points collectors do since this card provides “buy 1, get 1 free” on award night redemptions.
So, will I be purchasing Club Carlson points tomorrow during their Cyber Monday promotion? Nope, not for me!
That is absolutely cheaper, but there are many people that are looking to top up (which is all you can really do with this cap anyway). There is no quicker way than purchasing the points. If you purchase gift cards, you are going to be waiting a bit to get the points.
This is not cheaper at all, you’re not taking into account opportunity costs. Instead of using the Club Carlson card, you could use a card that earns 5% CB on grocery stores. In which case you’re actually paying ~$200 for the 20k points or $130 more than the Club Carlson deal.