In 2012, the movie Flight debuted (starring Denzel Washington) – and, for any AVGeek, it was another great chance to see “our hobby” turned into film.
If you haven’t seen the trailer, here it is:
In a few words or less the movie depicts an airline crash, and the investigation that follows. The pilot is caught in whirlwind investigation as to what truly brought that plane down.
Anyways…there’s a really neat behind the scenes look at some different shots during the film. Think making a movie about an airline crash is easy? Think again. Admittedly, the spinning aircraft machine at the end does look quite fun to ride…in an amusement park, for clarification. 😉
Here’s a shorter version of the behind the scenes look:
Here’s a full-length version (this is a worthwhile one if you have the time):
Have you seen Flight? What did you think of it?
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