I enjoy riding Uber, and find it much better than using a taxi. It’s convenient, quick, and, probably most importantly, cheap. However, one rider didn’t have the same experience.
An Ole Miss football fan, who, inevitably was drunk and tired, left the Peach Bowl last week and called Uber for a ride home (hey, to at least this guy’s credit, I’m glad he didn’t decide to drive himself in his intoxicated state). Funny enough, this guy lives in Mississippi and the game was held in Atlanta…well, you can see which way this is going.
Well, not exactly. The Uber drive drops him off at the Ritz Carlton hotel in downtown Atlanta. The gentleman was apparently a little too inebriated to realize where he was, and texted his cousin thinking he was in Mississippi. In any event, he was billed $908 for the ride, all due to Uber‘s surge pricing whereby they charge a higher price during periods of higher demand, and the fact that he had put in his true home address in Mississippi, where Uber can’t actually transport him to because it is outside of the city limits.
To make a long story short, Uber is helping this “poor” man reduce the cost of his car ride. I think he’s learned a lesson for next time, though. 😉
HT: Gawker
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