I’m at the Hyatt Herald Square in NY for the New York Times Travel Show, and need to dedicate a blog post specifically on the breakfast here, as it’s really unique and one that I haven’t seen elsewhere.
Let’s rewind to Saturday morning as I sat down in the hotel’s restaurant. After sitting, I was offered a menu, and something to drink. I asked for a glass of orange juice as well as coffee. To preface the rest of this story, the hotel does not offer a buffet, and you must order a la cart off the menu.
To start, I ordered a bowl of Greek yoghurt with fresh berries on top, followed by pancakes with an apple compote on top.
Within minutes, a fresh fruit plate arrived. The server mentioned it was “to start me off while I was waiting” so I figured it must be a standard offering, and appreciated her kindness.
After finishing the fruit, my yogurt arrived, which I really enjoyed.
Then, the server brought out a liter of Voss water, and poured me a glass. This water was clearly in it’s own glass container, and she had broken the seal upon pouring. I didn’t inquire whether I was paying for this, but found it odd that they would give me a sealed, bottled water without asking first (assuming I would be charged).
Next, my pancakes arrived, which were just splendid.
After finishing, a new server came over and mentioned that I should walk over to the pantry section next to the front desk and choose as many beverages and snacks I would like and he would take those off my bill. After clarifying further, he was serious. He further emphasized I was allowed to take as much as I wanted and this was not in place of the breakfast I already had. I took a few beverages and snacks and headed back to my table.
Interestingly, the waiter had told me that because this hotel did not have a buffet, they wanted to make Diamond guests feel welcome and wanted to offer something more, as a buffet allows you to get up multiple times to get as much as you wanted. He advised they wanted their Diamond guests to return to the hotel again and feel welcome, which I really appreciated.
Then, came the bill.
$55?! Oh, my! The waiter assured me the entire bill would be covered, and that it was standard practice. I was shocked and thankful at the same time, because I don’t think I’ve ever indulged in a breakfast so expensive as this.
I really like how this Hyatt property offered the taking of the bottled beverages and snacks, as it’s almost a guarantee I will get thirsty or hungry throughout the rest of the day. I found it interesting that they offered the fruit plate and water without asking, since I’m sure some patrons may not even want this and it may be a waste on the hotel’s part – that said, I appreciated it, and enjoyed both. I actually didn’t drink the whole bottle of water and took that back up to the room as well.
If you’re looking for a pretty incredible breakfast benefit as a Hyatt Diamond, look no further than the Hyatt Herald Square, located at Broadway and 31st St in Manhattan.
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