I’ve scoured the internet and found these cool travel stories to pass along from the past few days. Enjoy!
- See Hellen Mirren and other celebrities ride the subway. I far prefer public transportation than taxis or private cars. Glad Tom Hanks agrees, too.
- The oddest things the FAA has had to fine people for. These are really quite hilarious! 🙂 “According to the report, Alcaide got out of his seat while the plane was in the air, ran to the front of the plane and accosted a flight attendant screaming, “Out!” Then he pinned the flight attendant against an exit door and tried to open it. He was restrained, placed in handcuffs and escorted off the plane by local authorities after it diverted to St. Louis, Mo.”
- New York City is allowing Uber drivers to paint their cars yellow. Uber is cheaper than taxis anyway, and now you’ll be able to hail hem along the street. An interesting idea, for sure.
- Here’s the world’s best waterfront cities. I especially enjoy Venice and Amsterdam. What are your favorite waterfront cities?
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