Award Wallet is a service that allows you to organize your miles and points in one convenient account, so you can track balances, membership numbers and transactions all in one place.
Award Wallet has a free, basic version, as well as a paid, premium version. Luckily for you, I’m giving away several upgrade coupons allowing you free access to Award Wallet Plus.
Here’s the difference between the regular version and Award Wallet Plus:
These upgrade coupons allow 6 months of free Award Wallet Plus service:
The codes are only valid for folks who have a regular Award Wallet account, so before grabbing a coupon, please make sure you have an Award Wallet account so you can upgrade.
In addition, I’m giving away several OneCard coupons:
What’s OneCard? From the Award Wallet website: “AwardWallet OneCard is a credit card sized plastic card with magnetic strip (which enables you to check in for your flights at airport kiosks ). The card will have your personal account numbers and program phone numbers printed on the front and back sides. The card can contain up to 30 different loyalty program accounts listed. We have two types of cards: gold and silver. Those AwardWallet members who have over 1 million miles and points will get a gold card and those who have fewer than 1 million miles and points will get a silver card. The cards will be shipped internationally as well as within United States via regular United States Postal Service.”
Coupon codes are first come, first served. If you claim a coupon, please leave a comment in the comments section with which coupon code you claimed so others know it is unavailable.
Used TheForwardCabin-IDXTXXQOBA.
Thanks, Jamie. Have really enjoyed your posts lately, just pinned the one on London!
Used, can’t believe I finally got an upgrade coupon! Thanks a bunch!
I used: TheForwardCabin-AFLUAWREKP
C’mon guys – all coupons are taken and no comments? That’s rude.
Happens all the time. 🙁
Am looking for a coupon code. Let me know if you have another to share please
It looks like all were claimed, unfortunately! Feel free to subscribe to the blog to be notified when more are available for giveaway.
Done, thanks 🙂