A collection of stories, information, musings and just “plane” funny things from around the internet:
- This airport hasn’t lost a single bag since its opening. Unfortunately, I’ve never been there.
- Here are three things you didn’t know about Dulles airport, just outside of Washington DC.
- Tagging Miles at Saverocity is announcing the first ever #ResellingDO. Word has it tickets are almost sold out, so if you’re interested in learning how to earn miles, points and cash back off of reselling things, this is a great event for you to attend.
- Boeing has filed a patent for “cuddle chairs.” “…flyers will be able to retrieve the backpack-like package from beneath their seats, unfolding it by holding the pack in front of them, pulling the straps out, and attaching them to the “mating buckles” on the passenger’s seat headrest. A head cushion pulls out of the top of the pack, creating a “face relief aperture” for the user to rest on. The body of the pack acts at the chest cushion, angled, in theory, just right for snoozing.”
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