A Colorado couple has designed and patented a pseudo-sock like foot cover (the “skindel”) that’s meant to be worn as you walk through the x-ray machine at the airport.
I’m very confused at this product, to be frank:
- It appears to be an adhesive backing that sticks to your foot, and you apply it prior to putting your shoes on, then when you take your shoes off, you walk through the x-ray machine. I’d imagine they’re one-time use, and for someone who travels extensively, they’d not only be a pain to carry around, but expensive as well.
- Isn’t one who wears a sock protecting their feet already? Sure, it’s not antimicrobial, but it’s enough to protect agains dirt and dust
Why I won’t consider buying this product:
- I have TSA Pre-Check, which allows me to go through the scanners at US airports without taking my shoes off. For those in a similar position, I can’t imagine the desire for the skindels to be high, though one might be able to find a use for them at an international airport where you’ll be forced to remove your shoes.
Would you consider buying skindels to protect your feet as you walk through the x-ray machine at the airport?
James. I understand…it’s a slow day but don’t you know the adage “if you have nothing to say…?”
You frequently have interesting blogs that appeal to the traveler, but skindels?
Hi Carl,
Skindels are specifically designed to be discreetly worn with any footwear, allowing the traveler to even wear their flip flops, high heels and sockless footwear without having to touch the security line floor with their bare feet. In addition to travel purposes, Skindels are perfect for keeping your feet clean in numerous other environments such as gym locker rooms and showers, yoga and dance studios, kids’ play places and anywhere you go barefoot or wear sockless footwear.
Just to clarify on the purpose of Skindels, they are for those people who do not have the luxury of Pre Check. Last time I was in the airport I’m pretty sure people were still using the normal security line. My business partner also travels for a living and can concur that every airport in the nation still has more people going through the standard security line, where one is required to remove their shoes, than the Pre Check line. As for the price, they will be about $6 for a pack of two pairs. Also, have you ever seen someone wearing socks with flip flops or high heels? I don’t think so. Skindels are designed to be discreetly worn with any sockless footwear so that the traveler may wear their desired footwear without having to walk barefoot across the security line floor.
I’m not sure the premium is worth it, though. For someone to pay $3 for something they’ll use for maybe 1 minute, that comes at a huge premium, which I think many people will avoid. The market for these is so niche, I don think it will take off. Essentially, it’s targeting the people that are bare foot, which is only a subset of the people going through security. Sure, it can be applied in other uses as well, but again, at the same premium. You’re paying $6 for two pairs that are disposable and one time use, where the same money can be used to purchase a reusable pair of socks.
Hi James,
Over 933 Million people are projected to fly within US during 2016. I’d hardly say it’s a niche market. I agree that frequent male business travelers would not need Skindels during their work trips because they usually wear dress shoes. However, the majority of females traveling wear heels or other sockless footwear in addition to non-frequent traveling males and children who also wear sockless footwear while traveling. Not everyone wears shoes with socks. Skindels will help give those people a sense of security as well as clean feet. They can stay on for up to 24 hours or more depending on the activity, which means you can wear them through security, to your destination and still have them on when you get to your hotel so you do not have to walk around your hotel room barefoot.
Right, but you just noted the niche market within the market. Females, who wear flip flops, etc. What have been the sales so far?
In 2013, over 63% of travelers were female. That equates to about 588 Million females flying within the US per year…again, that is not a niche market. This number also significantly increases once you add in the non-frequent traveler males and children.
We start selling through our website this summer.
What are projected sales?
At full production capacity $2.8Million / yr. from US airline industry, $3.78Million / yr. from all target markets.