UPDATE: This deal is dead.
Looks like Rogers cellular service in Canada is offering a $25 credit to their users, and, right now, even though it’s meant for Rogers customers only, it looks like it can be used for anyone, including existing Uber users.
Enroll in ROAM LIKE HOME™ and get a free ride with Uber (up to a max. of $25) that can be used in Canada or on your next trip to the U.S.
Enter promo code roamwithuber in the promotions tab in your Uber app.
If you’re totally new to Uber, feel free to use my Uber link to earn $2o free towards your first ride. Then, add in the “roamwithuber” code from above to add in an additional $25 for a total of $45 in free rides.
Last time one of these codes came out, I had trouble using it, and ultimately it was denied, though I’d recommend jumping on this quick, signing up and seeing what happens. The worst comes to worse, it isn’t honored.
Hat Tip: SlickDeals
Denied. Redemption limit on the promo code has been reached.