RIO DE JANEIRO, July 15, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — In anticipation of the many international visitors, the inauguration ceremony for ILOVERIO.COM, an independent cultural project, is set for the night of July 26th 2016, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – media representatives can RSVP via email at
Empowered by a simple layout of menus and submenus, ILOVERIO.COM is a new portal designed primarily to be used with tablets, allowing anyone to quickly find anything in Rio de Janeiro without having to type, providing thousands of direct links to local establishments ranging from bars, hotels, and restaurants to government and private institutions.
Dozens of beaches, forests, parks, bars, restaurants, cultural centers, museums, and unique spots can be found via a simple click, connecting users directly with original websites, maps, apps, studies, and high-quality sources of additional information.
In light of the huge number of international visitors expected in Rio de Janeiro, part of the portal is dedicated to behavioral rules to be followed while in the city, and tips on how to properly interact with the local culture, including a list of topics of conversation that are best avoided to respect the local sensitivity.
The portal offers a complete touristic-cultural interpretation, showing how each characteristic of Rio de Janeiro came to develop and how it blends together.
ILOVERIO.COM has garnered and secured the institutional and governmental support of over 40 Brazilian entities at the Municipal, State and Federal level, making the portal an institutionally-backed, privately-owned, independent platform with an extraordinary global reach.
Official endorsements include: TurisRio – SETUR-RJ (State Tourism Company of Rio de Janeiro), Embratur (Brazilian Institute of Tourism), Riotur (Tourism Company of the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro), Niterói Empresa de Lazer e Turismo – NELTUR (Niterói – Leisure and Tourism Company), Secretaria Municipal da Cultura – SMC-RJ (Municipal Department of Culture of Rio de Janeiro), RioFilme SMC-RJ (Municipal Department of Film and Movie Production of Rio de Janeiro), Liga Independente das Escolas de Samba do Grupo Especial do Rio de Janeiro – LIESA (Independent League of the Special Group of Samba Schools of Rio de Janeiro – LIESA), Secretaria Municipal de Meio Ambiente – SMAC-RJ (Municipal Environment of Rio de Janeiro), Instituto Estadual do Ambiente – INEA (State Institute of Environment), Secretaria do Estado do Esporte Lazer e Juventude – RJ (Secretary of State of Leisure and Youth Sport of Rio de Janeiro).
Contact: Liz Rocha,
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