Get award booking help and personalized travel assistance for as little as $1 a month! It’s no surprised that on a 3-night, 4-day Journey, food would be of paramount importance. While off train excursions comprised most of the days, food was always something to look forward to. Food on Great Southern Rail is provided for … [Continue reading]
What is it like to sleep on The Ghan?
Get award booking help and personalized travel assistance for as little as $1 a month! Since The Ghan train is 4 days, 3 nights, sleeping is a big part of the journey. As I’ve mentioned before, there’s three levels of service on The Ghan: Platinum, Gold Twin and Gold Single. For the purposes of this … [Continue reading]
What is The Ghan Expedition?
Get award booking help and personalized travel assistance for as little as $1 a month! It appears I’ve neglected to tell you all what exactly is the Ghan Expedition, so let me explain a bit. First, let’s start off with the company who runs this – Great Southern Rail. They operate The Ghan, The Indian … [Continue reading]
Boarding The Ghan Expedition
Get award booking help and personalized travel assistance for as little as $1 a month! Departing from Darwin, the Ghan Expedition leaves on Wednesdays at 10:00am. Because each Ghan can have upwards of 300 some odd passengers, the process to get to the Ghan and onboard is a logistical game of musical chairs…that goes right. … [Continue reading]
What was it like using the bathroom on The Ghan?
Get award booking help and personalized travel assistance for as little as $1 a month! Probably the most asked question by friends and family about my past few days on The Ghan Expedition has been how the in-room toilet facilities were. Last time, when I rode the Indian Pacific, I had a single sleeper room, … [Continue reading]