I’m a big foodie for those that know me, and there’s hardly anything I don’t like – including airline food, as much as I complain about it.
American Airlines has a great feature where you can pre-order meals in advance, up to 24 hours prior to departure. On their website, they’ll give you the selections available on the flight and allow you to choose, and even change your selection once chosen.
That got me thinking – what if you could know about the meal prior to choosing? Was there another customer who had thoughts about it? As much as the food culture onboard planes is changing, and will continue to change, I thought it would be fun to review meals, in addition to the airline seats, hotel rooms and other usually associated travel wonders.
Now, I’m not the end all be all of food and my taste may not necessarily be the same as yours. What I enjoyed, you may dislike. What my experience was may not be the same you have. If my lasagna was cold, yours maybe hot. Your rubber chicken may be the best slice of meat I’ve had at 30,000 feet. That said, I think this adds another fun aspect to the blog, and may help some of you when it comes to dining.
Even if you don’t have the chance to pre select your meal, you’ll still find these reviews helpful if you happen to come upon the dish of choice up in the sky.
I recently wrote three reviews readers found useful, which was part of the reasoning for wanting to start this new feature: American Airlines Chicken Cobb Sandwich, American Airlines Fruit and Cheese Plate and an American Airlines Continental Breakfast Box.
So, stay tuned for some upcoming meal reviews!
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