Several weeks ago, American Airlines unveiled their new uniform look, to be trial-tested within the next few months, and rolled out across their employees permanently in 2016.
American Airlines has unveiled an email address for collecting feedback:
If you email American at that address, it looks as if they’ll be collecting complaints and praises about the new look.
Here are my thoughts, and ones I’ll be sharing with them:
- The uniforms have no color, and at the very least need to include scarves and ties that have red, blue or other colorful flair to them.
- The uniform color themselves is drab, and looks as if the agents and flight attendants are attending a funeral.
Unfortunately, I won’t be able to comment on the wearability of the new look, since I can’t speak on that for myself without trying one on.
That said, I’m going to email them with my thoughts, as I think many others will agree. You too can voice your thoughts, though be sure to do it soon since they make be taking into account feedback in any revisions they may make prior to the final release.
My name is Seini Vailahi a Customer Service/CAR employee. I do not like the new uniform at all. I am a seamstress and it is not a look that appeals to me….The color is so sad color. A co-worker point out to me that there were 2 people wearing the uniform after being around them for almost 5 hours… i was shocked at the look of it. as I walked to the break room, I kept thinking of how I would feel wearing those terrible clothing on me…i have to like colors and style in order to have a happy day and productive day. I was actually not happy the rest of the day knowing I might have to wear them things. … as I sat in the break room full of agents.. a couple of girls started wearing a few pieces…no one was happy with the uniform…one of the agents said something similar to what I was thinking earlier about how clothes we wear makes a big different in our being productive and more efficient in our responsibilities daily. I spoke up and said I was thinking that earlier… every one said to send in my feed back on how I feel…the blouse is such bad taste.. seems like two people has to be around to get help get you dress. All the arms are like $1.50 easy sew pattern. We need to wear AMERICAN Colors… blue..white and red. Red Blazers or red shirts.. collars looks professional. .better scarfs longer..this is my feed back.. Thank you!!
I am a flt attendant with LUS and based in clt….please give us some COLOR with this uniform and more blouse choices as to long and short sleeved. I love wearing pants so am happy with the two choices….however, could you please pair this with a vest with pockets that can be worn with pants or skirt…..I find the darker grey in the pilots uniform alot classier then our mid-tone grey in flt attendants uniform………..Over all the male uniform is classy but the female uniform falls way below that in style, cut, and lack of color……….
Please give us a scarf that is not “light” make up is a issue with anything near the neck, especially in summer….our airplanes get HOT
with all the time and money spent on this new uniform for a new American Airlines this uniform has absolutely NO WOW factor……..please look at Virgin Atlantic’s uniforms and start over………..Give us more choices and something we can feel proud in
I totally do not like the New American Flight Attendant Uniform. It looks Too HOT for the Summer when our flight while on the ground can reach temps. that are above 90 degrees. With a white scarf, how will one keep that clean looking around the neck ?? They have no color and DO look like one is attending a funeral. I and many others who view Korea Air uniforms look Most Attractive. I would be most proud to be wearing a more up scale, classy uniform that took could mirror some of the look. I feel the uniform not only makes a flight attendant look, walk, and be proud. Along with the passengers flying. It just gives EVERYONE an overwhelming sense of Confidence and Pride.
PLEASE reconsider this drab and depressing uniform. Even the models shown seem to be displaying a forced smile being in the uniform.
The uniforms for the female flight attendants are blah and well…ugly. No color, ill fitting pieces and please..a back zipper blouse? Sure hope K F head back to the drawing table and Hector doesn’t let this uniform as is come to fruition.
Make sure you email the designated email address with your comments! Our voices need to be heard!
Horrible color selections…or lack there of. NEXT..with weight limits removed from flight attendants, these uniforms are going to look even worse..if that’s possible. Get some elegant color at the very least! !!!!!!
I can’t believe American Airlines hires a designer like Kaufman Franco and this uniform for the women is the worse uniform I have ever seen. No color in the shirts and having the zipper in the back is just wrong. What is with the nylon shirts and no collars. United, Delta, BA, and Lufthansa all have button down shirts with collars made of cotton. The scarfs are ugly. I agree with all the other women we need red white and blue in the scarf. We are called American Airlines!!!
The grey uniform is dull so you need help with color from the shirt and scarf. The jackets are useless with the pockets they have in them. They are to small for our cell phones pens and any other item we need in our pockets. Again no collar in the jacket and the quarter sleeve shirts and jackets suck. Please consider a new design for the jackets shirts and adding color. Not one customer service agent or Flight Attendant that I know likes this uniform. I hope all of you working on these uniforms are listening. WE HATE THEM!!!
First of all I believe that the uniform needs more color.Blouses have zipper in the back which should be in front.Agents need to be able to zipper or button our selfs.i would like to see a variety of blouses and some color.Keep in mind that we agents have diff bodies and they need to look nice on all types of shapes and forms.We for sure need diff material on blouses with button down.Adding color to this uniform would defanately help.
I,too, agree with many of the negative comments regarding our new uniform. If grey is the color you would like, please use a much darker grey so any spots gotten during the day would not be noticeable.
Uniforms are unattractive and uncomfortable. Employees are not just standing at the gate like dolls with nothing to do but board flights. The new uniforms are very hot and aren’t very flexible
My concern is the amount of wool in the fabric for individuals like myself who are sensitive to wool.
Thank you
Beth Rose Oxman
Clt customer service agent
If you are striving for a New dynamic Airline Then you need to step up this uniform it has no wow factor like a European carrier that screams class we our a global airline thank you red would be inviting
Enough with zippers on vests, sweaters, jackets and, now, blouses! Are airline employees 5 years old? I would think they know how to button their tops! Zippers on those pieces come across as a fad and cheapen the look.
The male uniforms, overall, look sharp. I hope there are enough men who can wear the tailored European style and look as dashing as they do on a fit shape…
All of the female uniforms look matronly. Can you imagine the females in their 20’s, 30’s, 40’s and yes even 50’s wearing any of this and looking professional and what we envision a flight attendant/stewardess to look like? Frumpy AND matronly come to mind.
The smoky gray color is a great choice. A white scarf. Not so much. Whatever happened to a traditional blazer? Why has that been taken away?
If the male uniforms can come across so sleek, why not the female? Hmmm…
I am a customer service agent in Phoenix and cannot imagine wearing this back-zip blouse in this fabric. This will look very unprofessional after sweating from this fabric. The scarf looks like something I whipped up at home in 10 minutes. Needs something with some color and style. I heard the pants were not lined in back and should be. Overall I feel the blouse and scarf needs to be redesigned. Maybe a few choices in blouses. No style.
The dress looks more like something an inmate would wear. It is very unflattering for any size women. As a Flight Attendant because of the style, the seatbelt strap will cause rubbing and irritation. You want us to wear 100% polyester blouses in the heat of the summer on hot airplanes with a scarf around our necks? Really???????? I beg of you, PLEASE come up with a uniform we can be PROUD to wear and one that will suite the conditions in which we have to work during hot summers.
Please, please, please add a female vest to the new uniform!!! Miami summers are not suitable for the long sleeve “sweater” jacket. Also, while the 1/3 sleeve dress looks nice, again, it will be too warm for southern climates. A pop of color with the uniform would pull it together. Thank you for finally considering an A-line dress! Like the material used too.
I’ve been flying for over 40 years and have tried to keep an open mind to this new Uniform. Shame on me as I imagined a striking new Uniform that would turn heads as we presented ourselves. I am old enough to remember the old Pan Am uniforms who commanded the eye of every eye in the airport. I reserved my critique till I saw the uniform our female flights would be wearing in person. OMG Where to begin….the material on the test wear f/a was so wrinkled by the time they got to the airport it looked like they had slept in it. The winter coat is nice looking but flight attendants will freeze to death in the winter months in NYC, PHL, CLT and ORD. The puffer coat should be available to the female flight attendants in a longer length. The choice of style with the slacks and skirts is marginal . The uniform would look much better in a darker color and the dry clean only tops have to be changed to a washable fabric. On trips dry cleaning isn’t an option and many f/a commute and have to be able to wash uniforms. In this day of micro fabrics that travel, pack with no iron and wash easily is a must. I was told by a tester that as she pressed the blouse a hole melted in it???? The dress needs to be offered in not only 3/4 sleeve but long sleeves. In fairness not everyone looks good OR likes 3/4 length sleeves. The dress also needs a choice of a higher neckline and get rid of that scrap of white fabric around the neck. The white scarf will only collect makeup and sweat in the summer. AWFUL. There is no color anywhere. An attractive {Larger} scarf would add color an interest. The male F/A look much better and in fairness the female F/A should also be offered a blazer and vest. It would give a more finished look to our International flying F/A. The blouses should be scrapped as material is too thin and shows through, as I mentioned earlier it melts, and the zip up the back is difficult., needs a higher neckline or collar…… The jacket offered female F/A needs buttons. Can’t understand this affinity to Mr. Rodgers..It reminds me of the Maytag man look of the jackets we have now :{ Buttons are much more classier. Over all I guess you can say I give this uniform a thumbs down. BIG disappointment…..
Sad look for a large competitive well know air carrier. American Airlines should project class , pride and dignity. You have missed the impression of new and improved by a copious measure. I will not ask for a do over as I am certain that you are determined to have all employees look as if style and comfort are non negotiable and forced to wear unimpressive attire . Is this the new American way? The shades of grey leave little to inspire those of us who must follow the lead of a garment maker whose capacity to turn heads has failed us.
This is embarrassing! seriously, I am a LUS F/A and there is nothing attractive or workable about this uniform. Suggestion; start over!
I was looking forward to the new uniform reveal and I’m greatly disappointed!!! We voted for dark charcoal. The grey is too light. There’s no collar on the blazer, no stripes, and the blouse has closure in the back. The blouse also buckles. I would like front closure, blazer, scarf with color, short sleeve shirt, a wrap dress, or coat dress. The apron is cumbersome and difficult to tie. Need simple apron where my tetas don’t stick out on the sides. The entire ensemble is disastrous, ugly, unappealing, old lady like, offensive, triggers a negative response from passengers, unprofessional, and seriously lacking class. We gain no respect with the flea market, mammy-made getup. Sorry, it’s just hideous!!!!! 🙁
Need Color!! A scarf w a pop of color would be nice.
We also need collars with the ladies uniform. Please come up with something more flattering. I think you can do better! If we are to be a world class carrier let’s look like it! This uni is just too drabby looking
I bought a very similar suit in 1983 to go to a funeral. It was just as ugly then because medium/light grey goes with no ones complexion. Where’s the dark.charcoal color we all thought we were getting? The mens jacket is too short for grown men and the lack of any other complimentary color is a dissapointment .How about some visable differences between the F/As and the agents. Is this the best a world class designer can do in 2015?
I am also extremely disappointed with the new uniform. The color is drab and far too light. What happened to the dark charcoal? The uniform is not flattering on any flight attendant or agent I’ve seen wearing it. The fabric wrinkles horribly and looks cheap….shabby. I don’t understand the drop shoulders on many of the female pieces or the total collarless design. A classic blazer and blouse along with a colorful accent scarf /tie would compliment every employee no matter what their age or size. And would convey the professional image I think we all hope to achieve. One of our frequent fliers told me he had recently answered a survey about the new uniform. He told me that unfortunately it was a negative response….he did not like it at all. I truly hope that changes are made to make this uniform one we can feel proud to wear.